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Dream Secrets On-line class is now avalable for you!

Get access to the best techniques to Remember, Understand, and Maaster your Dreams.

Join Dream Secrets On-line class as a founder. (Special discounts are being offerd. Click through to find out.)

Dream Secrets is an essential guide to mastering Lucid Dreaming. Richard Siena has been certified to teach The Silva Method since 1982. In the classes, he teaches segments on dreams. Dream Secrets is an in-depth expansion of the material covered in the class, taking it from "I want to remember a dream" to controlling, understanding, and mastering your dreams. With lots of additional material to help you understand your dreams for daily use. Although great by itself, this book supplements the online Dream Secrets class. The class contains this material and more, as well as multiple meditations to reinforce the techniques discussed. This book is excellent for understanding, controlling, and mastering your dreams. Understanding your dreams is like being in school when the teacher says come to extra help where I will give you clues to what's on the test. If you don't go, you miss out on insights to test. Understanding your dreams will provide you with critical insights into your life.

Most people claim they don't dream.

If you did not dream, you would go crazy after about seven days. Dreams are a loophole in our reality, allowing for information from the higher realms to come through for guidance and understanding.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

Using the techniques in this book, you can quickly start remembering your dreams regularly. Learning to understand the symbols of the dream enables you to unlock the mystery of the dream. Everything in the dream is a symbol. When you learn to interpret those symbols, you unlock the mysteries of the dream, which enables personal growth. Each dream has information for you to use that applies to you on that day. Once you understand the dream and deal with the issues presented, you unlock a new world of possibilities in future dreams.

The American Indians view dream time as a sacred time to commune with the Great Spirit, Providing information on, for example, relationships, where to hunt, and how to navigate your life.

Becoming Lucid (being conscious in your dreams) is a fantastic experience—a true gift from the spirit realm.

Enroll and enjoy the most thrilling ride of your life.

Join Dream Secrets On-line class as a founder. (Special discounts are being offerd. Click through to find out.)

49 lessons
4 meditations to reinforce the material

Dream Secrets

with Richard Siena

Understand, Control, and Master your Dreams. Discover the meaning of dreams and how to accelerate your life.